Monday, January 28, 2013

Oil Pastel Cityscapes

I'm so excited about this current project! I believe I got the ides off of Pinterest (that's where all the good ideas come from these days, right?) We are doing a simple cityscape using a sharpie and oil pastels. My kids have never used oil pastels before, so I was a little nervous about turning my K loose with them. However, they did an amazing job! We started out just with a sharpie marker. I instructed them to draw an arrow and make sure the line goes all the way to the bottom of the page. Then we finished the "building" by drawing two more lines down to the bottom from the outside of the slanted arrow lines. We then added several circles for the sky. My kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd are all doing this lesson. We also discussed cool colors and warm colors and then we used the cool colors on the buildings and the warm colors in the sky!

Keith Haring

While the lower elementary grades were doing Giraffes Can't Dance, my upper elementary grades began an artist study on Keith Haring. Haring is my artist of the month for January, and I also doing artist studies with my kids. This was a two week lesson and the kids loved it! I displayed every 3rd and 4th graders work! 

Giraffes Can't Dance

Right after Christmas break, my Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade started working on dancing giraffes. I read them the book Giraffes Can't Dance, and they loved it! We spent the first day working on how to draw a giraffe using basic shapes and the next week they drew their dancing giraffes on their own. They then used crayons to color. Here are a few below!